Access a task

The Tasks page shows you all the Lingo24 jobs that are assigned to you, whether just offered or in progress at various stages.

  1. Select Tasks from the main menu

    This will show your tasks from the last three months

  2. Select a Task card

    This will open the detailed view in the right panel:

The detailed view displays multiple sections on the task :

  • Task Summary  - Language combination, quanity, rate and other primary information about the task.
  • Decline & Accept buttons - you can accept or decline an offered task / purchase order
  • Task Stages - For Coach linked tasks, you can see a basic view of the Coach stages (Translation, Review, Approval)
  • Client & Project Instructions - you can expand to display instructions provided by your Project Manager.


  • Client Source Files - you can expand to view the list of the client files for translation.

  • Task History - you can expand to display all of the changes made to the task and PO.

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